From years of experience with using a hot tub, we have come up with 4 simple things you can do to avoid having dry skin after you are in a hot tub.
1) Water Levels
Make sure your chemicals are at the right levels. Do not have your chlorine or ph levels too low or high. The water can become more acidic and strip your natural oils and cause your skin to dry out or cause a rash. We recommend using chemicals that are either chlorine free like our Pristine Blue System or a system that can operate with a low chlorine level. There are tons of different options out there, these are just some of the products we have personally used and recommend!
2) Soften Your Water
To soften water we use an all natural water treatment called Spa Marvel, Silk Balance or Hot Tub Serum. All of these products will leave your skin feeling silky smooth. They are all products that are used on top of the system that you are currently using. They condition the water and also help with balancing level so that you end up adding less of those chemicals. We have tried all three and love them all, it is all based on personal preference with which one you like. Our skin feels more moisturized after leaving the hot tub then it did getting into it. These products are a game changer!
3) Dry Your Skin
Pat your skin dry with a clean towel after getting out of the shower. Do not rub your skin with the towel, this can cause irritation.
4) Moisturize Your Skin
After getting out of the hot tub you should use lotion on your skin. We recommend lotions with natural dead sea minerals in it. We enjoy using the After-Spa Body Lotion by Aqua Finesse!
These Simple steps are easy to do and help tremendously with preventing dry skin after you are in the hot tub.
Let us know if you have any more techniques you can share with us!
~ Macke Pool Products

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