Everything You Need To Know About Spa Marvel
Posted by Kelly Mackereth on

What Is Spa Marvel Spa Marvel is an all natural hot tub treatment product that can reduce and eliminate the need for many of the chemicals used in traditional spa water care. They offer a couple of different products in their line that will help you achieve a more natural spa experience. Spa Marvel Chemicals: Spa Marvel Treatment and Conditioner - CLICK HERE The natural enzymes in Spa Marvel for hot tubs are sourced from plant extracts. Unlike chlorine, which sanitizes and essentially attacks and kills bacteria, these natural enzymes for hot tubs work by removing the organic waste necessary...
Pristine Blue Test Kit - How To Use
Posted by Kelly Mackereth on
Pristine Blue Winterizing - How To Guide
Posted by Kelly Mackereth on

Pristine Blue makes winterizing your pool easy! Follow these steps to winterize. Why: One Pristine Blue application at the end of the swim season typically maintains pool clarity until spring. What Does It Mean: “Winterizing” or “Closing” a pool involves adding products at the conclusion of the swim season to maintain clarity without upkeep throughout the chilly winter months. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: Balance 1a. Balance water parameters to within the proper ranges below. Total Alkalinity: 50 to 90 ppm pH: 7.2 to 7.6 Calcium Hardness: 100 to 400 ppm Step 2: Prep 2a. Shock the pool with 1 pound of...
PROS and CONS Of Using Pristine Blue Pool Chemicals
Posted by Kelly Mackereth on

Pristine Blue has been on the market for years now but you are probably wondering if it is the right pool and spa chemical line for you. I will share with you the PROS and CONS of using Pristine Blue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROS of using Pristine Blue It's a superior chlorine substitute. If you dislike the chlorine odor or its effects, this is an excellent choice for you. The customer service line is exceptionally pleasant and highly beneficial. You can call them with any questions you have about your Pristine Blue pool chemicals, Pristine Blue Start Up kit, or Pristine Blue Hot...
Hot Tub Filter Cleaner - 3 ways on how to clean hot tub filter
Posted by Kelly Mackereth on