Pristine Blue

Pristine Blue is the algicide for the Pristine Blue system. Pristine Blue is used to control algae and bacteria that cause odor problems in pools and spas. Pristine Blue only needs to be added once every 2 weeks. Pristine Blue is very gentle on your skin and eyes. Pristine Blue will not bleach vinyl liners and you can swim immediately after application. This product is environmentally friendly and EPA registered as an algicide/bactericide. You won't believe how easy Pristine Blue is to use.
First Time Using Pristine Blue
Dosage For Spas and Hot Tubs:
- Use 2 fluid ounces of Pristine Blue per 100 gallons of water
Dosage For Pools:
- Use 2 fluid ounces of Pristine Blue per 1,000 gallons of water (20 fluid ounces per 10,000 gallons)
- Use the Pristine Blue Mini Test Kit to measure the copper level in your water. The copper level has slowly decreased since the last time you added the Pristine Blue. You need to get the Pristine Blue (copper) level of your water back to 0.9 ppm. Do NOT exceed 1.0ppm Metallic copper. Use the dosage calculator to determine the amount of Pristine Blue to add.
- DO NOT pour into the skimmer
- DO NOT add Pristine Blue for 2 Weeks
- DO NOT let Pristine Blue Freeze
Shelf Life:
- PristineBlue can be used from season to season if stored in a closed container above 32° Fahrenheit.
- PristineClean, PristineCheck, PristineClear and PristineMist, no expiration on effectiveness.
- PristinePower, PristineExtra, are most effective if used within 1 year of purchase, but continue to a degree for several years when stored properly.
- PristineBlue Mini Test Kit reagents and PristineStrips have a shelf life of 2 years.
- EnzyPure is most effective if used within 2 years of purchase.
Ask a Question-
Can pool stains be removed?
Most of the time they can be removed. Stains are generally divided into 2 categories mineral and organic. Mineral stains are caused when metal particles enter the water through hoses, metal equipment, jewelry, zippers, etc. Determine the type of stain by doing a simple test called the “sock test.”
How to test for a mineral stain first.
1. Place a small amount (1/2 cup to 1 cup) of pH decreaser in an old sock and tie it to form a small pouch.
2. Place the sock on the stain for 3 or 4 minutes, using an extension pole to hold the sock in place, remove and discard.
If the stain has lightened or changed color where the sock was placed, the stain is mineral in nature and should be treated according to the suggestions below for mineral stain removal.
If there is no change to the stain, make a similar pouch with a different old sock and 1/2 cup to 1 cup of PristineExtra. Repeat step 2.
If the stain lightens or changes color, the stain is organic and should be treated according to the suggestions below for organic stain removal.
MINERAL STAINS: Balance the water. Add 3 ounces of PristineClean per 1,000 gallons of pool water and filter for 48 hours. After stain has been removed, rebalance the water, if necessary.
ORGANIC STAINS: Balance the water. Add 1 pound of PristineExtra per 10,000 gallons of pool water daily. Run the filter continuously and backwash daily. Test and rebalance the water, if necessary. Do not use the pool until chlorine tests below 3 ppm.
***IMPORTANT: Chemicals can be considered HAZMAT by local authorities. It’s always better to use than throw away. CALL FIRST!
*Baquacil is a registered trademark of Lonza Group LTD. **Soft Swim is a registered trademark of Biolab, Inc. 19
You should always read the product label carefully for important warnings, dosage information and instructions.
How can I clear up water that is cloudy?
Cloudy water can be caused by a couple different things -
1) Incorrect water balance - Test your pH and Alkalinity and adjust. Pristine Test Strips
2) Inadequate filtration - Filter more regulary
3) High calcium hardness - Shock with Pristine Extra or oxidize with Pristine Power
If you are still running into issues send us an email we would love to help you out! -
Can I use PristineBlue with any pool surface?
Pristine Blue can be used in all pool surfaces! It is not recommended for use in newly constructed or resurfaced plaster pools until your contractor informs you the surface is fully cured.
Can I use PristineBlue if my spa has an ozonator or UV?
Pristine Blue is compatible both ozonator and UV systems!
Will PristineBlue turn my hair green?
People with blond or chemically treated hair are prone to getting “swimmer’s hair” regardless of what chemicals the pool is treated with. Here are a couple tips to help you with getting swimmers hair-
Always use PristineClean as directed
Wetting chemically treated hair with tap water before swimming
Shampooing after your done in the pool
The Pristine Blue system is much easier on your hair then other chemical lines! I have 4 daughters and they have never complained about the way Pristine Blue leaves their hair! -
What is the shelf life of the PristineBlue product line?
- PristineBlue can be used from season to season if stored in a closed container above 32° Fahrenheit.
- PristineClean, PristineCheck, PristineClear and PristineMist, no expiration on effectiveness.
- PristinePower, PristineExtra, PristinePure and PristineLithium are most effective if used within 1 year of purchase, but continue to a degree for several years when stored properly.
- PristineBlue Mini Test Kit reagents and PristineStrips have a shelf life of 2 years.
- PristinepHUp, PristinepHDown and PristineAlkUp, no expiration on effectiveness when kept dry.
Is PristineBlue compatible with D.E., sand or cartridge filters?
Pristine Blue is compatible with all of these filtration systems!
Is Pristine Blue compatible with other chemicals?
Mixing any chemicals can cause problems in any situation. It is always best to ask the product’s manufacturer before combining chemicals. (800)962-1492. They have a great chemist available that will walk you through any process.
Pristine Blue is compatible with most chemicals when added to the pool or spa. We ARE compatible with chlorine, bromine, and salt chlorine generators.
DEFINITELY DO NOT use the following products with the Pristine Blue maintenance system:
- METAL OUT (products to remove metals, i.e., iron from your water) Call us first.
- ALGAECIDES (it is unnecessary, and many contain copper which could lead to overdosing)
- BIGUANIDES (also known by the brands Baquacil* and Soft Swim**)
- IONIZERS (copper or copper/silver)
How can I test my pool and spa water and know how much to add if a pool store isn’t in my area?
You can test your Total Alkalinity and pH with the Pristine Test Strips
You can test the Pristine Blue Level with the Pristine Blue Mini Test Kit
The other Products in the Pristine Blue system are usually the same measurments every two weeks. -
Does it work with liner pools?
Yes, it works with your pools with a liner! It works with all different above ground and in ground pools.
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