Hot Tub Serum Total Maintenance Water Care

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Hot Tub Serum Maintenance Liquid is designed as a weekly addition to your current sanitization regiment. The use of Hot Tub Serum Maintenance helps to flush out the bacteria that your current sanitizers can't. It reaches down deep into the plumbing of the hot tub to help prevent the reoccurrence of contaminants that can plague every hot tub. The weekly use of Hot Tub Serum Maintenance will help to keep the water crystal clear, soft and clean. It will also aid to help prevent the occurrence of white water mold and control the swings in PH.

How To Use


We recommend that you start by using Hot Tub Serum Total Cleanse before draining and refilling your spa and prior to using Swim Spa Serum. 

Add 1fl Ounce (30ml) per 100 Gallons every 7 days. Try to add on the same day every week. If excess foaming occurs reduce dosage accordingly. Small amounts of foaming after application is normal. Always balance your hot tub water to industry standard level.


Balance the water 

Total Alkalinity 40 - 80 ppm

pH 7.4 - 7.8

Calcium Hardness 150 - 400

Make sure your filter cartridges are installed. Make sure that they are clean or new if starting with Swim Spa Serum. Refill with fresh water and start your swim spa following the directions in your swim spa order manual.


After balancing, shock the water with EPA approved sanitizer. Add an approved sanitizer as per your swim spa serum retailers recommendation and directions. always maintain recommended sanitizer levels. Use Swim Spa Serum total maintenance weekly. Add 1 ounce per 500 gallons once per week. 

Typically a 2,000 gallon spa will last about 8 weeks (2 months) with our 0.946 liter bottle.

Add Hot Tub Serum total maintainance product weekly as per the directions (same day every week - do not over does?

Maintain sufficient sanitizer in your swim spa at all times. DO NOT LET SANITIZER RUN OUT. 

Rinse your filter cartridge(s) weekly with pressure water to remove organic contaminates.

If your spa water is cloudy / foaming / yellow / green / smells: Your should shock the water and increase sanitizer level. If poor water conditions persist, clean your cartridge filters - soak and rinse  


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 67 reviews
    Brian Spector
    Great Seller

    Got my hot tub serum super fast. Exactly what I needed. keeps the water crystal clear. Great product.

    Gale Gibson

    I've had this before and it works well.

    This stuff is awesome!

    Keeps my hot tub squeaky clean week after week. I will always use this product, eliminates the scrubbing around the water line,


    Product exceeds expectations.

    Just wish it didn’t cost so much

    No issues with it.  I liked using it through the winter so I only had to go out to the hot tub once a week (when it was too cold/windy).  But its hard to justify the cost compared to separate metal defender and  Spa Perfect when we buy in bulk. I did notice some foaming when we ran out of this and went to our old brands without changing the water.  No biggie.


    Ask a Question
    • How long will one bottle last me?

      The Weekly Maintenance bottle comes with 2 liters but one bottle can last up to 6 months depending on the size of the spa(& amount of bacteria). The Serum weekly maintenance should not create any significant foaming. It your tub experiences any foaming, chances are have have soft water. Simply reduce the amount of Weekly serum by 50% until you no longer lingering foam. This will prolong the life of the bottle as well.

    • With a brand new hot tub do I need to purge or just use the serum?

      We highly recommend you purge even new & used hot tubs. Virtually all manufacturers do a "wet test" prior to shipping their units to dealers. As a result water can be trapped in the pipes that can develop mold and other bio-material.

    • How soon can you enter the water after you apply this?

      We recommend waiting about 2 hours.

    • Can this be used in hot tubs that have a salt/chlorine generating system?

      Yes, it works with all systems!

    • Is this the only thing I need to maintain my hot tub?

      No, Serum helps keep your levels balanced. You will end up using less of your other chemicals. You need to use this in addition to a sanitizer!

    • Does this have chlorine or bromine it?

      No, it does not. We recommend using Serum with your existing sanitizer of choice.

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