Medicine Springs Mineral Therapy SKIN Formula (Bath Tub)

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Each bag contains 2 bath soaks or treats 100 gallons each. 

Turn your bath tub into a natural hot spring! As the largest organ in the body, the skin is often overlooked in modern day healthcare. The skin has its own unique problems and demands its own special care.

The Medicine Springs Skin Formula was derived from the world-famous healing waters of Iceland’s Blue Lagoon. This hot spring is sought out for healing a variety of skin sensitivities and conditions, including eczema and psoriasis.

This formula is gentle on the skin and does not contain bicarbonates (which can create a “tingly” sensation for sensitive skin). The minerals in this formula will help rejuvenate your skin and relieve dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, and acne.


Skin Therapy

  • Made from the Blue Lagoon of Iceland, one of the most famous hot springs in the world for skin conditions like Eczema and Psoriasis.
  • Eczema relief
  • Psoriasis relief
  • Skin health and healing even recommends soaking in hot springs as a form of relief.  Medicine Springs allows you to do this at home.

How To Use


Use 1 treatment for a 100 gallon bath. Each bag contains 2 bath soaks (100 gallons each). It has no impact on your plumbing, jets, or filters.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 2 reviews
    Vanessa Mcleod
    Love bath salts

    Love bath salts, make my skin very soft and helps with inflammation




    Ask a Question
    • What kinds of mineral ingredients this package has? I went to Glenwood Spring, CO and my dry and itch skin problem solved for a few days. I would like to try this but I wonder what kinds of mineral this package contains. Thanks.

      The natural minerals that are in this product are sodium chloride, calcium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium sultfate and magnesium sulfate. Please let us know if you have any other questions :)

    • I was diagnosed with Subacute Spongiotic Dermatitis. Do you know what product would work best for her?

      Thermal waters are used to help this condition. The magnesium is very helpful and less alkaline is also helpful, so I would use Iceland as a first choice and skin as a second choice.

    • Is this product safe for a septic system?

      Yes, it will not do any damage to your septic system.

    • Are these the same as a natural hot spring?

      Medicine Springs offer you an accessible alternative that replicates the healing properties of hot springs without the airfare and moss.

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