Medicine Springs Mineral Therapy SPORT Formula (Hot Tub)

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The Medicine Springs Sport Formula was produced from hot springs in Yellowstone down through Central and South America. Historically, these springs were called “Warrior Pools” and were frequented by ancient Indigenous warriors to speed up recovery, relieve sore muscles, and promote healing.

This formula is high in transdermal magnesium and bicarbonates, resulting in a mineral cocktail that reduces muscle and joint inflammation, aids in circulation, flushes out lactic acid build-up, and gets you back out adventuring sooner!

Sport Formula

  • Sore Muscle relief
  • Speeds recovery time between training sessions
  • Aids in blood flow to speed up healing
  • Skin health and healing

How To Use

One bag treats up to 400 Gallons.  Has no impact on your plumbing, jets, or filters.  You will still treat your tub the same as you did prior to Medicine Springs.  The product will last approximately 90 days in your hot tub.

About Medicine Springs

  • Made from hot springs spreading from Yellowstone down through Costa Rica and Peru which were known as the Warrior Pools to the Native Americans, Maya, Inca, and Aztec.  They would travel to these hot springs after battle to speed up muscle and joint recovery as well as promote circulation.
  • As ancient armies marched the globe, they carried their armor, their weapons, and their necessary belongings with them. The fought battles by hand and in an extremely physical and personal confrontation. When the battles were over, wherever possible, these warriors would seek out geothermal mineral springs to soak in. These mineral laden waters were like soaking in a multivitamin and absorbing it through the skin. This allowed the body to use the semipermeable membrane of the skin to pull in the necessary minerals to heal itself. This has a noticeable effect on the soreness of muscles and body aches. Medicine Springs has found this to be true with modern day athletes of any sport and the elite soldiers of today. We have sought out the medicinal waters of these “warrior pools” and packaged them for use in your own personal “warrior tub”.


      Customer Reviews

      Based on 3 reviews
      Frances Meekin
      Amazing product

      Love this product. We use for our spa as regular chemicals made our skin itch and dry out. This replaced the old chemicals and gave us the option to go all natural which is so much better for you. Smells amazing as well but just feel so much better being in a natural product.

      Helped my husbands back pain!

      Loved this product! My husband has chronic back pain and we noticed a huge decrease in his back pain. He soaked in the hot tub at least 4 days a week. We definitely will buy again!

      Love this product

      I have a walk-in tub that has jacuzzi vents and adding this to the water makes a very relaxing bath.


      Ask a Question
      • Can you mix them together? (mineral pouches) eg. Sport & Muscle formulas or all 3?

        Yes, you can mix them no problem!  If you decide to add 1/2 of each packet from the two formulas, please store the other half of each of the packets in their own Ziploc so they don’t absorb moisture out of the air or react with each other.

      • Can you use only this product and no other chemicals? So I would start with clean water and add this?

        Thank you for reaching out! This is an additive product. With that being said you still need to balance your pH and Alkalinity levels and use a sanitizer!

      • How do you add this to your hot tub? Will it come with instructions?

        Yes the instructions are included in the bag. There will be multiple different bags inside of the Medicine Springs Sport Formula. You will have to add all of these bags to your spa in order for them to mix together and create an amazing hot tub experience! 

      • How many kinds of salts are there and how do I decide what one t try?

        We offer 3 different kinds. It all depends of what you are looking to heal!

        1) Joint - Hot tub, Bath Tub & Spray

        2) Sport (muscles)- Hot tub, Bath Tub & Spray

        3) Skin - Hot tub, Bath Tub & Spray

      • Can I use this is my bath tub?

        We recommend buying the BATH version! It will be measured out perfectly for a bath and then it should work to its full potential. Here is the link 

      • Will this product harm my pump and metal eating element?

        This will not harm your pump or any of your equipment!

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